February 6, 2019

Learn About Your Sedation Dentistry Options in Tulsa!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 11:18 pm

Dental phobia and anxiety have become an all-too-common issue for dentists in the United States. Between 30 and 40 million Americans avoid going to the dentist every year due to fear and anxiety, which is quite alarming. That means that millions of Americans cannot get the care they need to maintain long-term oral health, even if they want to get it done.

But just because you have dental anxiety doesn’t mean your oral health should suffer in the process. Learn your sedation dentistry options in Tulsa to find out what you can do to bypass fear and anxiety!

A Comfortable and Welcoming Environment

Every day, more and more dental offices are doing everything they can to create a relaxing and comfortable environment for patients, especially those who fear going to the dentist. For example, by having massage chairs and televisions in treatment rooms, you can become easily distracted while you wait for your cleaning or other routine treatment to be completed. While it may not seem particularly significant at first, you’d be surprised how much of a difference it can make once you’re receiving treatment. You’ll practically forget that the dentist is working on your teeth!

Nitrous Oxide

Those who have mild levels of anxiety may want to consider nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” as it’s often called. This form of sedation is designed to take the edge off without putting you to sleep in the process. Many people have trouble recalling their treatment while being administered laughing gas, but once the treatment is complete, you’ll be able to continue your day without needing anyone to drive you home on your behalf!

Conscious Sedation

For those with moderate levels of anxiety, conscious sedation offers a more powerful solution. This sedative comes in pill form and is taken several hours prior to your appointment. By the time you arrive, you’ll be significantly more relaxed and likely won’t even remember the treatment once it’s completed. Just make sure to have a friend or family member drive you to and from the office to avoid accidentally harming yourself or others. Those who choose this option should allow at least 12 hours for the sedative to wear off before continuing normal activities.

IV Sedation

If you have a severe form of dental anxiety or phobia, IV sedation maximizes your comfort through sedatives that are introduced to the body intravenously. Not only are these sedatives the strongest forms available in dentistry, but they are incredibly easy to adjust on the fly, much like nitrous oxide. However, they are also incredibly powerful at keeping you relaxed, much like conscious sedation. If you choose this option, nurses specifically trained to administer IV sedation will come to the office and bring all necessary treatment to get it done. IV sedation is also ideal for patients who have a large amount of dental work to complete and want to do so in one sitting.

Does sedation dentistry from a dentist in Tulsa sound ideal to you? Schedule an appointment today to get your necessary dental care completed.

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