October 18, 2022

Dental Implants During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 4:24 pm
pregnant person holding stomach and smiling

Being pregnant requires a big time commitment. Things like visiting the doctor for checkups and updates, decorating the baby’s nursery, and organizing baby showers can take up a lot of time and energy. This can make it difficult to take enough time to care for your health, including that of your smile. Additionally, you may struggle to find time to do things for yourself, such as treatments like dental implants to improve the look of your pearly whites. You may be wondering: is getting dental implants during pregnancy safe? Read on to learn about whether undergoing this treatment poses a risk to you and your soon-to-be-born baby.

The Impact of Missing Teeth

For many, missing a tooth is a blow to their confidence. It can make them feel insecure about smiling or laughing in front of others. Missing teeth can also impact your oral health. The jawbone in the areas where the teeth used to be will start to erode since it is no longer receiving the stimulation it needs.

This erosion will cause the remaining teeth to shift to fill in the space. Over time, these teeth will start to weaken due to increased pressure and will eventually break or fall out. Jawbone erosion will also change your facial shape. This may make your face look sunken and gaunt, which will make you look older than you actually are.

Is It Okay to Get Dental Implants During Pregnancy?

So, is it safe to get dental implants during pregnancy? Elective procedures such as dental implant surgery can be performed after the first trimester. Even so, most oral surgeons recommend waiting until you are no longer pregnant. Studies show that administering local anesthesia to a pregnant person is completely safe, but dental implants often require a stronger anesthetic. This can be risky for both the expectant parent and their unborn baby.

3 Reasons Why It’s Safer to Wait Until You’ve Given Birth

Though getting dental implants during pregnancy isn’t always unsafe, there are several reasons why it’s better to wait until after you’ve given birth, such as:

  • Increased hormones – Pregnancy causes a sharp rise in hormone levels. This makes pregnant people more likely to develop gum disease, which increases their risk of dental implant failure.
  • Post-surgical complications – Aftercare for dental implants usually involves taking pain medicine to lessen discomfort and your risk of infection. Unfortunately, many pain medications are unsafe while pregnant.
  • Other risks – Strong anesthetics and X-rays may be unsafe for pregnant people.

If you’re thinking about getting dental implants during pregnancy, be sure to speak to your dentist. They will be able to help you make the safest, healthiest choice for you and your baby! 

About the Practice

Glisten Dental is led by Dr. Lindsey Hammond, a skilled Tulsa-based dentist. She takes pride in offering exceptional care to residents of her hometown and beautifying the city one smile at a time. For those who are missing teeth, they offer dental implants and other tooth replacement options to fill in the gaps. Do you want to learn more about dental implants during pregnancy or are you interested in setting up an initial consultation? If so, visit Glisten Dental’s website or call their office at (918) 254-8686 to get started.

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