June 22, 2016

Family Dentist in Tulsa OK For All Your Smile Needs

family dentist in tulsa okYou and your family already share so much, so why not trust the same dentist, too? It doesn’t make sense to drive all over town when there’s a family dentist in Tulsa OK who can meet all of your smile needs. The dentist and the team at Glisten Dental are equipped to care for everyone’s smiles — from your newest arrival to great-grandma and grandpa, too.


May 27, 2016

Anti-bad breath tips from your Tulsa, OK dentist

Filed under: general dentistry — Tags: — dr_nauman @ 11:32 pm

Suffering the embarrassment of mouth odor? Learn some tips from Tulsa, OK dentist, Dr. Angie Nauman at Glisten Dental, to help control bad breath.Everyone has some sort of morning breath. A little breakfast, a good toothbrushing and flossing, and you’re set to meet the day with fresh breath. However, some bad breath, also called halitosis,  is persistent and just plain stinky. What are the causes, and what’s to be done about it? Tulsa, OK dentist and her staff at Glisten Dental give patients several tips to control this common oral health problem. (more…)

January 20, 2016

Exciting Things Are Coming to Your Tulsa, OK, Dentist…New Year, New Office and New Website!

Filed under: general dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — dr_nauman @ 8:05 pm


For 2016, the dentist and her staff at Glisten Dental decided to take on a big New Year’s resolution… we are moving into a new building and building a brand new website! We hope that both of these will be completed sometime around the first part of March.

Our new building will allow us to care for you and your family in the most attractive, the most comfortable and the most state-of-the art facility. One thing, however, will not change at our new address. The quality of dental care you receive from Tulsa, Ok, dentist will remain unsurpassed. The entire team at Glisten Dental remains committed to providing each and every one of our patients with the individualized care they deserve both during the transition to our new facility, as well as after we’ve moved.