November 16, 2019

Grinding Your Teeth at Night? How to Manage Bruxism this Holiday Season

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 3:40 pm

Stressed sleeping woman grinding teethThe holiday season is almost here, which means there are presents to buy, parties to plan, and family gatherings to survive. Most people agree that while the holidays are the best time of year, they can also be the most stressful. Even though grabbing a gift at the store before rushing off to the annual Christmas party at work may feel like just a normal part of the season, a stressful holiday can be damaging. If you ignore your stress during the day, you may be hurting your oral health at night. Many people suffer from something called bruxism, which seriously damage your teeth while you sleep. Bruxism can threaten to keep you from getting into the holiday spirit by causing poor sleep, headaches, and even tooth damage.
